Favorited ex.fm Songs

Friday, January 28, 2011

Joe Pug

Joe Pug is an artist that I've been aware of for a long time (since he toured with favorites of mine like M. Ward and Josh Ritter), but for one reason or another, I hadn't spent much time listening to his music. A few weeks ago, one of his songs (I can't remember which anymore) came onto my iTunes shuffle and sent me out looking for more of his music. He had an EP available for download on his website, and Amazon is still selling his only full length album, Messenger, for $5. Since picking those up, he has been one of my most listened to artists. His music isn't anything fancy (just his guitar, voice, and harmonica), but he just makes really good folk music. While my favorite song of his keeps changing, right now it is a song called "Not So Sure" from his album Messenger.

There are some artists that seem really cool, but I just can't quite get into their music. Beck is one example, where I like him as an individual, but I can never get that into his music. Fortunately, in Joe Pug's case, I like him and his music. He has worked hard to build a following by touring relentlessly, but the coolest part is an offer he put on his website. He will send fans two song CDs, at his expense, so that they can pass them on to others and spread the word of his music. Not many artists would be willing to take that kind of hit from their pockets on good faith that those people will enjoy the music and buy more or attend shows. He claims that he just trusts his fans and the good nature of people in general. According to him, this gamble has payed off and been one of the main driving forces behind his growing popularity. I love trying to support artists who are willing to give away some of their music for fans to sample, and in his case, it has been no problem supporting him after this. Whenever his next album is released, I'll purchase it that day without hesitation.

If you're interested in picking up some of his music, you can go to his website and there is a link you can click to get one of his EPs for free if you sign up for his mailing list. He doesn't send things out very often, so it shouldn't hit your inbox too hard, but I'm sure you could just unsubscribe if you want also.

Joe has also recorded two sessions for Daytrotter, which you can download for free here and here, the latter one containing a version of the "Not So Sure".

Hope you like it!

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